Thursday, 3 November 2011

A surprise bonus!

As and when they become available, software upgrades to AVSA Pro 1.8A, are given as per the license agreement. 

This week saw me racing to Midrand to meet my trainer and AVSA Pro distributor, Cliff Coetzee of POLY- VSA Institute of Training from Tulbach, Cape Province. It was just my luck that he was here in Gauteng for training of new examiners.

There were some processes of the system that were so advanced that I didn't know how to utilize them to their full potential - I wanted to understand and incorporate these features into my daily test processes - Selecting appropriate Protocol sets I would be able to archive results faster while not compromising on accuracy.

While there, to my surprise he informed me that an upgrade to certain other features has just become available and that he would install these there & then! The installation process and test-run took a few minutes, but once installed I was on my way home - over and done with in shorter time that it took to get to the B & B where he stayed and trained.

The upgraded features included cadence allotment - a very important factor allowing the homeostasis to return to normal before the next question is fired...
quick, effective archiving of AVSA tests in the same sequence as the examinee details. AVSA now automatically saves these recordings and results without the examiner having to select where to file them - which is GREAT! The saving of the examinee detail determines the route of saving the sound files - very nifty!

So, I can proudly say that while accuracy and efficacy has always been a priority for me, I am now able to provide an even more fluent service to clients - they may not feel the difference in the service they receive BUT I certainly feel the difference in providing it!

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