
Henriette Joubert (van Den Heever) was trained in 2008 by principal trainer of TVT SA,Clifton Coetzee who is the author of the best seller manual for truth seekers: Truth Extraction©® TVT SA is the worldwide distributors of AVSA Pro VSA systems and accredited training protocols.

Henriette is a full member of SAPAVSA from 2012, SAPAVSA is an association established in SA by qualified SA Examiners. SAPAVSA has an established website with independent, contactable Directors.

SAPAVSA members utilize various and validated vsa technologies. SAPAVSA standards require full adherence to universally accepted PDD protocols. SAPAVSA Instructors are required to have completed APA certified PDD training.

American based associations are merely paper-only clubs established by software resellers; are not universally or otherwise recognized collectives and do not have any independent Directors.

American based vsa clubs and associations have no juristic representation in South Africa.

Membership to an overseas based Association that has no other interest in it’s SA members other than the collection of membership subscriptions is of no value to a South African based DOD Examiner.

Membership to an Association that needlessly spurns competing technologies is severely limiting to a DOD Examiner. 

The serious and professional DOD Examiner should embrace any technology or technique that enjoys worldwide acceptance; is based on sound and thorough training techniques; has been subjected to rigorous validation by DOD Industry authorities.

The THREE foremost DOD Associations in South Africa are:

SAPAVSA: Polygraph & Voice Stress Analysis Assoc of SA SAPAVSA is a non-denominational home for mainstream DOD technologies, including VSA and Polygraph, but excluding LVA. (Layered Voice Analysis )

SAPPA: South African Professional Polygraph Association (Polygraphists Only and 
aligned principally to APA – a foreign association )

PASA : Polygraph Association South Africa (Polygraphists Only and aligned principally to APA – a foreign association )


There is no true International VSA Association. Any claim by any VSA association that it is ‘international’ is a deliberate attempt to mislead consumers. SA PAVSA is an active PDD association in South Africa for the past 6 years. SA PAVSA has independently elected board members, (elected by open vote process) unlike other sham associations whose management is self elected.